Join Us By Taking Action

Contact Your Member Of The Legislative Assembly

Our research has identified the Health Authorities as being responsible for converting our hospital parking lots into money making machines. This decision has created all sorts of unnecessary emotional and financial problems for patients and their supporters while benefiting private corporations. We have pointed out that the Boards of Directors that govern these organizations are appointed by government. This presents a problem for taxpayers who seek accountability on the matter. Board members answer to the politicians in Victoria, not to the rest of us. It is therefore necessary to target our demands to those we have elected while informing the Health Authorities that reforms to hospital parking methods are coming.

This is the most important thing you can do to reform parking at our public hospitals:

Tell your MLA and your local Health Authority –


It’s an easy three step process:

1. Find your MLA’s email address from the directory. →
MLA Directory
2. Write a letter to your MLA that outlines your position on hospital pay parking and demand they take action.

If you are not sure what to say, copy and paste this template to get started:

Sample Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to take this opportunity to convey my concerns about pay parking at our local hospitals. This practice is really a user-fee in disguise and I find it unacceptable.

A user-fee is a financial barrier that exists between my health care needs and my right to access health care at a BC hospital. I consider this a violation of the Canada Health Act. This exploitative money-making scheme creates unnecessary stress and anxiety for hospital patients and their supporters. I would like to remind you there is a social contract between Canadians and their government with respect to health care delivery. User fees are a trait of private health care and do not belong in our province’s taxpayer funded hospitals.

Like many British Columbians, I am supportive of the great efforts that go into our health care system and I am empathetic to the challenge of meeting the ever increasing costs associated with maintaining these services. As a taxpayer and constituent of yours, I am instructing you to immediately legislate an end to hospital pay parking in our province. The website might be of interest to you to learn more about this problem and how we can transition to something better for everyone.


3. Send it to your MLA and copy (Cc:) the Minister of Health, your local Health Authority and us.

The Minister of Health (Hon. Adrian Dix): (so we can count the number of people taking action):

Health AuthoritiesIf you are not sure which Health Authority operates in your area, please check this map.

Fraser Health:

Coastal Health:

Island Health:

Interior Health:

Northern Health:


Our Blog Will Track The Progress Made Throughout The Campaign

